Mississippi takes gold in obesity AGAIN!!!!
meaning 34% of Mississippians are
20% or more over their ideal weight.
If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem.
Make a decision to make yours and your families health a priority.
Eat Breakfast
So many people mistakenly think that if they skip breakfast they will be healthier and lose more weight, when in fact the opposite is true. When you don't eat after hours of sleeping your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism significantly slows down. This actually CAUSES you to store food as fat instead of turning it into fuel. Any breakfast ( even something unhealthy) is better for you than skipping. However, of course a healthy well balanced hearty breakfast is the best way to start your day out right.
Pack a lunch instead of grabbing fast food
Fast food is one of the largest contributors to obesity. The food is high in calories and fats. And not the good kind either but the kind that make the saying " a moment on your lips, forever on your hips" seem very true. Even fast food salads are not a good choice. Normally made with iceberg lettuce that has practically no nutritional value it wont keep you full more than about 30 minutes. By that time your back at work or back on the road and your only option is a snack or a soda to keep your hunger at bay. And you do not wanna get me started on fast food salad dressings...
Slow down when you eat
We do everything so fast these days its no wonder people have so many digestive issues do to speed eating. Slow down, enjoy your food, chew it, taste it, swallow before taking another bite. Our bodies have a really hard time keeping up when we're shoveling food in. Sometimes it doesn't have time to process all the food and ends up storing it as.... you guessed it.. FAT. Another perk to eating slower is avoiding that overly stuffed " I wanna die" feeling. Its takes about 20 minutes for a bite to register with your body. If you slow down your body can tell you when its full before you have stuffed it beyond what you need.
Trade your sodas for water
Most sodas are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. Our bodies have a very hard time processing this and we usually end up storing it as stomach fat. That's not good. Did you know you should be drinking 64oz of water a day in order to keep your body functioning properly? not liquid but water. Its so important to make sure your getting enough water. A quick and easy test to see if your dehydrated is check the color of your urine, if its not basically clear with a slight yellow tent then you're dehydrated. If its dark yellow, orange, or even brownish you may be causing your body serious damage by starving it of the water it needs.
Walk with your spouse and/or children today
30 minutes of cardio 3X a week or more will make a huge difference in your overall health. And what a good healthy way to unwind after a long workday. Sure beats sitting on the sofa watching TV and snacking on junk food. If you're as busy as my husband and I, walking in the evening may be the only time all day you get to connect and talk about the day.
you will be surprised what a difference a few small changes can make :)
i hate these studies...they don't take into account those of us who do everything possible and still don't lose...due to health problems! lol