Thursday, May 3, 2012

5K training... so far so good

I was completely blown away Monday when it was time to hit the ground running( literally) with the couch to 5k training. The people just kept showing up. The circuit room was full and overflowing into the weigh and measure room with excited and somewhat anxious curves members ready to take the first step toward learning a healthy new habit. Running!

I feel a little bad that I didn't think better in the ladies I spend every workday with. I wish I had trusted in their determination to find the healthier life that I constantly encourage them to work towards. As the names kept appearing on the sign up sheet my heart swelled with pride. This was not going to be easy. Running is not easy or fun. Its hard hard work, and almost all of my regular curves girls had signed up to run a 5k ( 3.2 miles) after ten weeks of weekly running.

My morning group is the smallest of the two groups. Even though its a small group we have seven dedicated women whose quality of life, I think, will greatly increase in the next 10 weeks. They are on average  older than the evening group and each of these ladies with the exception of Abbi) are trying to counter the effects age takes on the body wither it be hormonal balance, a better energy level, or more flexibility and range of motion. I cant wait to see how these ladies feel once running becomes a part of their life.

Walk 5 minutes, Run 2 minutes, Walk 5 minutes!

That was our assignment week one day one. Although running 2 minutes seems like a short amount of time in reality its about a forth of a mile( if you start out slow like we did) and if your not a runner this is a big first step. Everyone did wonderfully and it has opened relationships with one particular woman I have had a hard time connecting with. After running we spoke a few minutes and I learned more about this woman ( recently widowed) in that 3 minute conversation then the entire 4 months shes been a member. And shes in the P.A.C ( perfect attendance club... meaning she comes at least three times a week) so we talk often... I just never knew how "top surface" she had kept our conversations until I saw a glimpse a little deeper into the life of this sweet woman who after loosing the love of her life is desperate to find her "place" as a single after years of being a plural. She's perfect for Curves and Curves is perfect for her. She has already found her place with us and jumped in with both feet. I'm so proud of her. And thankful God has brought this new outreach opportunity to Curves.

My evening class is much bigger and as you can see a little mixed. The ten wk Couch to 5k training is open to none members and that means husbands are allowed. I think its just wonderful that these guys are willing to not just support their women in there healthy life style choice but also sweat it out on the pavement right there next to them. Brad is training with me but was working and unable to be there for the picture. The relationships with the evening group are growing also. Not just with me but also with each other. Ive seen the most unlikely of friendships blossoming out of this class.

Week one= Success!!

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