Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Strong enough

The words in this song speak straight to my soul. I feel so overwelmed with what God has asked of me. Then I realize He is strong enough to do it for me. What a hopeful song.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!

 Two years ago today I married my best friend and love of my life. Although it had been the two toughest years of my life I wouldn't take it back for the world. My husband gave me the sweetest angel ever January of this year. I love my little family and pray for many many more years!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bath time is such fun!

Reagan loves her bath time. Today I put her in the big person bath tube with about an inch of water and she splashed and played for about an hour, way past the water turning cold. I look forward to Fridays all week long. They are the one day a week set aside to bond with my little angel. I spend everyday with her. But as all mothers know you can be WITH your child all day and not spend one minute of QUALITY time together. She looks like her daddy and that makes me smile. She is getting so much personality and spunk. I just love being around her. Almost 9 months old, I can hardly believe it. I can't believe sometimes that she is real and she is mine. I find myself thinking that any minute someone is going to wake  me up from this wonderful dream. God gives good gifts!

Monday, September 17, 2012

God's reoccurring marriage truths

My husband and I are fast approaching our 2 year anniversary.
 I wouldn't change it for anything in the world but can I get an amen for making it through the two toughest years of my life thus far?
  It blows my mind how much this "honeymoon stage" has resembled more of a battle field then anything else.
 My love for my husband hasn't wavered but I would be lying if I didn't say I had questioned both of our sanity in the decision we made October 9 2010.
 I look around and see happy couples who seem to "have it together" and I wonder what we're doing wrong?
 I guess the key word there would be "seem."
Over the past two years there are two reoccurring messages I feel like God has been trying to teach me. I say "reoccurring" because every time I think I've got it, he test me and I fail miserable (ever had one of those?). I am still working on these today and for all I know these may be the two truths God uses to sanctify me my whole life.
The first message I have heard in my heart loud and clear
 over and over and over is...
He doesn't compare his children and He doesn't want us to either
He doesn't want mine and my husbands marriage to look identical to my sister's and her husbands, or my parents, or my preacher's and his wife's. God created me uniquely for my husband and together our marriage doesn't fit into any other mold other then the one God made with just our two names on it.
The other lesson i continue to learn is..
He doesn't expect perfection, but for us
 to STRIVE toward it!
This is the most freeing truth of my whole married life to date. It's ok that we don't have everything figured out. I have never been married before. He has never been married before. Why would I hold us to any other standard then that of a new couple LEARNING how to be married?

First Chic-fil-a now Hobby Lobby!!!

Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a privately held retail chain with more than 500 arts and crafts stores in 41 states, filed a lawsuit today against the Obama administration over its HHS mandate.
The company says it would face $1.3 million in fines on a daily basis starting in January if it fails to comply with the mandate,
which requires religious employers to pay for or refer women for abortion-cause drugs that violate their conscience or religious beliefs.

The lawsuit was filed in the US District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma and the business says it is opposing the Health and Human Services “preventive services” mandate, which it says 
FORCES the Christian-owned-and-operated business to provide, without co-pay, the “morning after pill” and “week after pill” in their health insurance plan, or face crippling fines up to 1.3 million dollars per day.
“By being required to make a choice between sacrificing our faith or paying millions of dollars in fines, we essentially must choose which poison pill to swallow,” said David Green, Hobby Lobby CEO and founder
. “We simply cannot abandon our religious beliefs to comply with this mandate.”
Hobby Lobby is the largest and only non-Catholic-owned business to file a lawsuit against the HHS mandate, focusing sharp criticism on the administration’s regulation that forces all companies, regardless of religious conviction, to cover abortion-inducing drugs.
“Washington politicians cannot force families to abandon their faith just to earn a living,”
 said Lori Windham, Senior Counsel, Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which is handling the lawsuit for Hobby Lobby. “Every American, including family business owners like the Greens, should be free to live and do business according to their religious beliefs.”
Founded in an Oklahoma City garage in 1972, the Green family has grown Hobby Lobby from one 300-square-foot retail space into more than 500 stores in 41 states.
“It is by God’s grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured,” said Green. “Therefore we seek to honor God by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles. The conflict for me is that our family is being forced to choose between following the laws of the country that we love or maintaining the religious beliefs that have made our business successful and have supported our family and thousands of our employees and their families.”
The business’s lawsuit acts to preserve its right to carry out its mission free from government coercion

Friday, August 31, 2012

6/16 Run for gold- The Curvettes first 5k

Oh boy was the adrenaline pumping that hot and steamy morning as we woke up early, prepared at home and met the rest of the team at the JCJC football field. We were, in true Abercrombie fashion, incredibly late and that made the stress level sky high. I was worried we wouldn't get there in time and that the curves ladies would be worried and nervous about their first 5k. I  think when it came right down to it at the bottom of it all I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it. I don't wanna ever look weak but especially not infront of the Curves ladies.
 We had a team of  seven that day. We were on week 8 of a ten week "Couch to 5k" plan. We were not completely prepared but we were excited and ready to try.
 We all got registered just in the nick of time. 
We stretched, pumped each other up and ran our little hearts out.
 And Ran
 And Ran
and ran and ran and ran
 And just when we thought we couldn't anymore... 
we ran some more
Our little  Curves family accomplished more that day than just completing a 5k. We trained through the hottest part of the summer day in and day out. We pushed ourselves far past what we thought our physical limits were. we faced our fear of failure and proved to ourselves that we could do it.

As always there was a large Callen/Abercrombie show. Its a great thing to have both my families at one event. The two biggest parts of my life cheering towards one goal.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The other woman

So, There is another woman in my husbands life...
He is completely smitten with her...
And her with him...
He is happiest when she is in his arms...
And she feels safe whenever he is near..
And watching him love
her makes me love him more

Slow to speak

"This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. For the anger of man does achieve the righteousness of God"
 James 1:19-20
We've heard it a million times but a very important part of this verse gets overlooked more often than not. I have heard a hundred sermons on being quick to hear and slow to anger but what about slow to speak. I am currently doing a bible study on anger and controlling the tongue.
 Hi, my name is Katie
 and I have problems controlling the tongue!
It occurs to me that if this is my weakness, I know this is my weakness, and I want to fix it then I need to go straight to the Word and find out what God says about it.
What I found was God doesn't just want us to check the quality of our words
but also the QUANTITY.
This was a foreign thought from everything I had ever heard on the subject. And that's really saying something considering I was assigned a paper on controlling the tongue almost weekly growing up, as a punishment for....well not!
" If any man (or woman) thinks himself religious
 and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless"
 James 1:26
How often do we let our tongues take control instead of controlling it. I know I am guilty of this.
"He who restrains his words has knowledge"
 Proverbs 17:27
Why do we feel the need to constantly talk?
 Do we have that much to say or does it just make us feel important?
"When there are many words,
 transgression is unavoidable.
 But he who restrains his lips is wise"
 Proverbs 10:19
Unavoidable is a pretty strong word.
 Looks like I have my work cut out for me. I want to avoid transgressing and according to God's perfect and holy word one tip towards that goal is to be slow to speak. To limit my speech and ensure that the words leaving my lips are God glorifying.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurricane party for your muscles:)

So, we're having a hurricane (hurricane Isaac to be exact) and it looks like we're going to be stuck inside for a day or so. Don't ya just hate that? Well, you're in luck not only is the below post a great one time workout to help pass the time while its raining cats and dogs, but it is a quick and easy addition to any gals daily routine that will tone those core muscles and strengthen your upper body in no time. 

You really have no good excuse not to do it (unless your pregnant... Shout out! you know who you are.) It takes less than an hour, you don't need any equipment, and you'll feel so great once your done.

Lets get started...

Almost every woman wishes she had better upper body strength so we're going to focus on both biceps (that bulge on the top of our arm we love to see)
 and triceps (the muscle on the bottom of the arm.. remember the toner the triceps are the less flab and sag you'll have)

 Tricep dips: 2 sets of 30 

Sit in a spider position with your feet, glut, and palms all touching the ground. Then left one leg straight in the air
 (for beginners you can rest one knee on top of the other)
 and lift your glut off the ground.
 One Tri-dip rep consist of you keeping your body in that position with the exception of bending your elbows to lower your shoulders towards the ground and then coming back up again.
 This really works the back of your arms and if you're doing it correctly you can tell within just a few reps because you will start to feel the burn. Remember to really focus on bending at the elbows so that your triceps are doing all the work bringing your body back up. Once you do one set of 30 take about a minute break ,long enough to breath but you don't want to lose the burn, then do the next set of 30.

Push ups: 2 sets of 10
The important thing to remember about push ups is that form is everything. You want your body to stay in a straight line. Make sure you tuck your hips and drop your shoulders. Go down until your chin almost touches the floor, looking straight ahead, and then push yourself back up. Do all ten and fast as you can while keeping every movement controlled. For beginners start on your knees but still make sure your body is aligned from your knee to your shoulders and then work your way up to doing it on your toes.

If most women want to stronger upper body I think its safe to say ALL women want a flatter stomach. I have two great workout  towards that end that are relativity easy to do, easy to build up to higher reps and have noticeable results in a relatively short amount of time.

Air crunches: 3 sets of 30
 Lie on your back with your legs straight out. Keep your legs straight and about 6 inches off the ground then bring them up, bending at the knee but keeping ankles together, while bringing your upper body forward at the same time. Both upper and lower body should meet in the middle ( knees to chest) with the only point touching the ground being the tip of your glut, then go back to your starting position and repeat. The slower you go the more it works those muscles and you can tell by the burn. The only ones that burn count:) the others are just warming up. So, once your abs start feeling like they are on fire just give yourself a mental high five YOU'RE CHANGING THOSE MUSCLES!

Planks: 3 sets of 25 seconds with 10 second between.
To do a correct plank you're holding muscles throughout your entire body as tight as you can while keeping your body in a straight line. The only two points touching the ground are your tip toes and your forearms. Look straight ahead and breath deeply. 
This might not sound hard but believe me by the time you get to 15 seconds your going to be rethinking that and at that point you'll have 10 more seconds.
Its important not to take long breaks between b/c once again once they start burning you're getting your best workout.

Hip dip planks: 2 sets of 15
In plank position dip your hips from almost touching the floor on the right to almost touching on the left. Remember to keep your body straight even as you dip. This works your obliques (outer abdominals better than anything) Your toes will slid but just keep pulling them back to position:)

What woman doesn't want to tone up that fanny? I don't believe I have ever met that lady. 

Bonus workout!

Kneeling lunges: 2 sets of 30
 On hands and knees bring knee up to chest then kick the same leg back as far up towards the sky as you come and then come back down. After 30 controlled reps change legs.

If you want to really pump up your workout
 add 30 minutes of high energy cardio
 (running, swimming, jax, jumping rope, ect.)

Best results if done at least once a day!
Leave me a comment with questions and/or 
let me know how your went. 
Happy Hurricane workout ya'll!

This Calls For A Hurricane Party For sure!

This afternoon as the dark Hurricane Isaac skies began to roll our way and Reagan and I locked Curves up tight and head to our personal safe haven , Mom and Dad's house, I had a very eerie deja-vu feeling. Seven years ago to the day , oddly enough, people were doing the exact same thing in preparation for Katrina (The category 5 hurricane that devastated our world in just a few hours).

Whether Isaac is all bark and no bite or if it knocks our socks off there are a few things we learned from Katrina that will never be forgotten and from the looks of things around Hattiesburg/Seminary/Ellisville/Laurel everyone is putting their hard earned hurricane preparation knowledge to good use. 
The shelves are empty of all the essentials and non-perishables, There are no generators left to buy for miles in all directions, public parking lots are full of vehicles left there to ride the storm out  safe from falling trees,some cars are parked so closely together to insure no one can syphon the gas out it actual looks like a wreck.(You should see how close my mom parked our van to my car in order to protect her gas tank. I wish I had taken a picture.) I have noticed most business around are closed, schools are out, and the streets are pretty empty. considering we're still about 6 hours out from the really nasty weather I feel proud to know my fellow Land-massians can learn, have learned, and are going into this hurricane much more prepared.

Then I started thinking about the steps I have taken to insure my family is protected and how differently it is than how I prepared for Katrina. I had to chuckle. Not only did I not prepare for Katrina but once its seriousness was brought to our ,my friends and my, attention via sign on the JCJC BSU door about school being out the next day due to dangerous weather conditions, we did the only thing you can expect from college freshmen. We planned a hurricane party. We didn't have work or school the next day and that was as far as we thought that decision through. As it turned out we were not the only students with the same idea and it was a happening night. 
What a luxury it was at that time in my life to live so fearlessly.

Seven years fast forward and the only thing I'm thinking is how I can keep my house and baby safe. Brad is at work so I got all the dishes and laundry done in case we lost power. Then filled a few jugs of drinking water in the fridge, and a few Tupperware containers for the freezer to help keep everything cool if the power went out. I filled the tube with water for flushing the toilet, turned the air way up, packed my car with anything and everything Reagan and I could possibly need for a few days and hit the road.

I actually feel like we will get little more then a bad thunderstorm but I would rather be prepared than not. As we draw closer to Isaacs grand appearance I hope everyone continues to keep their Katrina knowledge at the for front of their minds and be as safe as possible.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mississippi takes the gold!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Olympic games cancelled.....and rightly so!

The only thing to ever stop the Olympic games
 ( and rightly so) was WAR.
 The games have been cancelled three times through the years.
 In 1916 the games were cancelled due to WWI
and then again in 1940 and 1944 due to WWII.
 I would say our most fierce and fit were a little too busy at that time.

Did I mention he was an American?

Out of the hundreds of thousands of athletes who compete in the Olympic games there has been
only one athlete ,to date, that had won gold medals in
both summer and winter Olympics.
Eddie Eagan
 earned this distinction for his gold in boxing in the 1920 games and gold in bobsledding 12 years later in 1932.

Did I mention he was an AMERICAN? Or does that go without saying?


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Pleasure!

I recently read an article by a homeschool father in Ga. that is now a chair on the Public Service Comission for Georgia matter what your stand is on concerning the whole Chic-Fil-A situation. The article covered a few facts that, no Gay rights, are impressive but have been completely over looked throughout this whole battle.
The article reads...

" The mayors of Chicago and Boston have said they'll do all they can, to keep Chick-fil-A franchises from opening in their cities. Besides making a bad culinary decision, this knee-jerk political reaction will have the unintended consequence of hurting local charities, teens and orphans.
Let me explain.
First, let's talk about what working at Chick-Fil-A does for teenagers. Of their 60,000-employee workforce, 80 percent are less then 21 years old. This is a company that gets these young people to say " It's my pleasure" on cue whenever a customer says any version of " Thank You"
This is no small feat. I know, because I have seven kids, and four of them have worked for the company.
This respect, an accompanying work ethic, and career opportunities are desperately needed in every city, but especially cities like Chicago, with one of the largest gang populations in the country."

The full length article can be found here

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

From " Shades of Grey" to "Shades of Blue." (Adult content)

The simple equation is this: 
literary erotica is to women
 as visual pornography is to men.
That's how God made us.
Just as a  sexy body can stay in a mans mind after one glance a steamy scene from a romantic rendezvous in a book can stay in ours. 
Both are dangerous to a person and both can be very damaging to a marriage. 
Its not any difference just because its words and not pictures. The horrible nick name this time of reading has received.... mommy porn is very accurate! 

You wouldn't want your husband to watch pornography full of the perfectly airbrushed, gym trained, toned and tanned bodies in completely flattering light. Wouldn't you feel inferior? Wouldn't you always think that he was comparing you to them knowing in the back of your head you could never measure up because what he saw
When you read " Mommy Porn" you're doing the exact same thing to him. Your imagination is soaring with thoughts of this perfectly romantic and hunky hero of the book who ,of course, always has time for you and knows just what to say to make you light on your feet. How can your husband not feel inferior when he has a real job and real responsibilities that keep him from being able to dote on your 24/7? How can he possible always have the right words when he doesn't have an editor or three or four rough drafts? Wouldn't you always be comparing him to them and how could he measure up when what you're reading 

I read a few reviews on this book "50 Shades of Grey" that's sweeping the nation. What I found was interesting. Many review mention, along with how awful the writing, that scenes from the book (even the poorly written ones) have a way of staying with you.  One head line read "This book will Obsess you, possess you and stay with you forever."( SCARY!!) 
With such dangerous affects and ones that may stick with you forever why even pick this book up in the first place?!?

I suggest to you instead read a book I was given recently called, Ironically enough,
 Shades of Blue.

Its a christian novel about forgiveness that is written so well I could not put it down for two weeks until I had read it in its entirety. The characters are people we all know (or are) and the story is so gripping its a must own for my collection. I HATE "book spoilers" so all will say is that if you don't read this book you're missing out:)

The Mouse Diaries!

I am of the opinion that dealing with any kinda rodent is a man's job. My husband agrees with this however, whats to be done when ....shall we say... the mans away and mice decided to play?

Mom has to man up!

This whole week has been a battle. 

I'm not going to freak you out with the details and don't worry I have no pictures to share. I only want to say this... 

Ladies, give the mouse hunter in your life a hug today!

My sweet husband comes home tomorrow night and not anywhere near the top of the list of reasons why I'm glad to have him home, but on the list is..... Takes care of the rodents in our lives!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Products I love: Goats Milk Soap

I have been using Briar Patch goats milk soap (made locally) for years but it was not until recently when I ran out for a few weeks that I realized just how wonderful this product is.

Because of the all natural ingredients and the way each batch of soap is made you will be able to tell a difference in the silkiness of your skin just after a few uses. Whereas most commercial soap makers skim the Glycerin (a moisturizing substance that forms during the soap making process) off and sells is as a byproduct leaving their soap dry, Briar Patch does not. Aside from adding no artificial preservatives or colorants they keep the Glycerin in their soap so all the health benefits can go to your skin. And boy can you tell, My skin feel cleaner, is softer, and smells great!

Each bar of soap has soft oatmeal pieces that act as an exfoliate as it gently lathers and cleans your skin

The lather is rich enough to shave with and leave your legs feeling so soft. After rinsing there is no residual film of chemicals on your skin or in your shower like most soap leaves.I find new benefits to using this product all the time. Recently one of my Curves ladies said she used it on her hair in place of shampoo and conditioner. I tried it and my hair felt cleaner and softer then it has in months. Another user commented that because of its natural ingredients and gentle scent she uses it on her baby. I used it on Reagan and she loved it and her skin had no adverse reaction. I even let some of the suds get in my eyes before I used it on my little one and although it was not comfortable by any stretch of the imagination is did not burn like the mass produced, chemically preserved soaps do.

Coming in 11 amazing scents its impossible not to find one you cant live without
Aromatic Timber-a nice, woodsy, masculine scent
Citrus Splash!--an explosive blend of sweet and tart elements of citrus, especially tangerine, orange, and grapefruit! Wow!
Fragrance Free--just pure soap without any fragrance at all!
Kudzu Blossom--the blossom has a clean, light grape scent.
Lavender Oatmeal--relaxing and good for the skin with the addition of finely ground oats, soothing calendula petals and lavender flowers
Lavender Mint--a bright combination of relaxing lavender and uplifting mint; a popular choice!
Lemon Grass--very lemony, but warm and earthy at the same time
Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey--warm and inviting, with ground oats and local honey, our most popular fragrance by far!
Patchouli--very earthy, self-proclaimed "old hippies" love it!
Skin Tonic--our particular blend of lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus essential oils along with soothing caldendula petals especially for dry and problem skin
Spicy Apples and Peaches--cinnamon and spice with hints of fall apples and peaches, a very popular choice

My household loves the lavender oatmeal and lavender mint. They smell so good I took a bar of soap and cut a few quarter sizes  peices off and put them in all my drawers so now all my clothes and a light scent.

to sum up: The Briar Patch goats milk soap...

Smells great, Feels great, Cleans wonderfully, Doesn't leave film on your skin or in shower, is safe for children, Comes in an assortment of lovely scents (and even comes scentless for the men in your life), Gently exfoliates with oatmeal instead of with harsh sugars or salts, Can take the pace of Shampoo, Conditioner, Shaving cream, face soap, body wash, and even body and face lotion sometimes ( since washing with this stuff leaves you so moisturized)

I guess the only thing let to do is tell you where to find it:)

You can find the Briar Patch Soap by clicking the link or at the following locations. You wont be sorry!

Ellisville, MS

--Ward's Pharmacy
--Creative Clutter
Laurel, MS
--Bee Happy Natural Foods
--Magnolia Farm & Home
--Bella Bella
--Southern Antique Mall
Hattiesburg, MS
--Hub City West Farm & Garden
--Fragrances Galore (Turtle Creek Mall)
--Lil' Butcher Shoppe
--Thursday Market (G&M Goat Farm)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"I Know My Redeemer lives.." who said it

Job said it!
(Job 19:25)

Does that blow anyone elses mind???

If you know anything about the book of Job in the Bible then this well known verse takes on such a more spectacular meaning.

In the midst of intense uncertainty Job tells his friends who are condemning him "I know my redeemer lives!" Job doesn't know why he is being tormented, why he has been stripped of his wealth, his children, the love of his wife, even his own health or how long it will last. For all he knows he is going to have a miserably slow and lonely death but the ONE THING HE KNEW FOR SURE WAS....

Its inspirational to me that amidst all this, he does not lashing out at God (even after his wife advises him to "curse God and die") or even questions him. He didn't say " I think my redeemer lives" or even "I believe my redeemer lives"  In his darkest most painful storm he proclaims "I KNOW MY REDEEMER LIVES"

Now, has God ever taken me through a valley so deep that I cant say the same?

Pregnant Olympian with a great outlook on life

Next time someone seems impressed that I taught Zumba until I was almost 8 months pregnant I'm going to tell them to look up the name Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi  next time they are on google.

Malaysian shooter Nur Suryani Mohamed Taibi  will be 35 weeks along in her first pregnancy when she competes in the 2012 London Olympics.


The 29-year-old and her husband are super excited to be having their first child due Sept.2 (less than a month after the Games end.) and have checked with their doctor to make sure Nur Suryani and baby are healthy enough to make the trip and compete. At this point everything checks out and all plans for competing are a go (but they have mentioned the baby comes first and the Olympics after that.... good parenting priorities if you ask me)

You know how everyone and their mama thinks its their place to give you their opinion about what you should or shouldn't be doing when your pregnant....
I bet those malaysian busy bodys are going nutts with this one. Haha.

I just think she is the cutest thing ever. She jokes about not being about to compete in the "prone position" (on her stomach) and in one interview she says its not her nerves she will be trying to calm inside her. "I will talk to the baby before I compete... 'no kicking, stay calm for one hour and 15 minutes only please'",

Lots of athletes might be upset about not being able to compete at 100% but this soon-to-be-mama is loving every minute of it. She says she feels like she has an advantage... not a disadvantage. She says its two people working towards one GOLD!!!!

Just think if she was a Christian it would be a 3 man team  and unbeatable.

Friday, July 6, 2012

favorite healthy snack

A few weeks ago I posted about the roasted pear salad and today I'm suggesting it as a snack. Its filling, healthy, delicious, cheap, different then your normal snack and easy to put together.

Cut a pear up into small strips add some feta cheese and honey....YUMMY

Value those around you

One of the only things I remember clearly from the day I married my best friend was in the charge that the preacher( my uncle) to brad and I.

He said...
"To bring value to each other and never devalue"

The more I think on that the wiser that advise seems. I have often thought whats the worst feeling in the world? Is it feeling stupid? feeling ugly? feeling used? feeling alone? I don't know why I ask myself about that but through the years my answer changes from one awful feeling to the next. However, I have come to an answer and settled on it and I do believe that at least for me feeling invaluable is the worst feeling in the world. All the other awful terrible feeling I feel like can be summed up in the one overwhelming feeling of having no value.

Causing someone to feel this way can have a very powerful and negative effect on a person. However, It seems like we constantly devalue one another. The media is the worst offender. Everywhere we turn people are being stripped of their value through crude jokes, name calling, being talked down to, rudeness, sarcasm, the list goes on.

I am taking a stand today to bring value to those around me and be much more mindful of my actions and words in order to stop the harmful chain of devaluing
right here, right now

Miracle water????

We've all seen the Dr. Oz  recipe for the miracle water one pinterest. This wonderfully fresh concoction of cucumber,orange, mint,  and lemon promises to curb your appetite while boosting your metabolic rate in order to help you lose weight.

I made it.... Cucumber, mint, lemon( some people add Oranges and berries) in a gallon jar of water, let it sit a day and then enjoy. Enjoy I did. It is a nice refreshing upgrade from the regular everyday glass of water but I am yet to be convinced that it speeds up metabolism.

 Here's what I think....

1. The good Dr. suggest you drink a gallon a day. It seems to me that if you drink a gallon of water everyday, tap water or otherwise, that you will probably feel fuller and snack less-- A possible weight loss

2. Its less then $3.00 to make a gallon that last( for me.. unless my only goal that day is to drink the whole thing) about two days. -- Kind to the wallet

3. Since this new drink is so light and refreshing, people may trade in other high calorie drinks( sodas, sweet tea...ect) for a glass of this fresh garden water that has ZERO calories --A possible weight loss

4. With fresh fruits floating in your drink, your more likely to snack on the cucumbers, lemons, berries, ect., and less likely to grab some salty chips and sweet candy--A possible weight loss 

5. It really dresses up a dinner party or even just refreshments for pop in guest --Hospitable

I think preparing water like this is yummy and fancy and may help you shed a few pounds but I cant see how it would speed up your metabolism. Muscle is the main determining factor in your metabolic rate. If your hoping to lose some inches try lifting some weights. Every pound of muscle you gain speeds your metabolism up and helps your body burn fat. It would seem like the obvious solution would be toooo..... I dunno...

Reagans 6 month old!

In a nutshell.....
          We love her more every day.......
Shes the best thing to ever happen to us..........
                                     She makes us both better people everyday....
She is the best gift God
ever gave to undeserving people!

Closet full and not a thing to wear...

Ever since my sweet angel got here six months ago, I have the same thought when getting dressed almost every day( every Sunday and special event for sure)
Its quite the dilemma and it sure doesn't make a person feel good about themselves.
Work is not a problem but basically any other time clothes are required there is a long battle in the closet. Trying clothes on, ripping them off, and eventually ending up in my one "safety" dress that doesn't look wonderful but I am not embarrassed to wear in public, Reagan can ruin it with whatever shes drooling today, and i can wear comfortable shoes with. sounds sexy right? that is exactly what it is NOT....

Sooo....... I cleaned out my closet, getting rid( passing along to deserving bodies who might use them) of everything that didn't fit, look good, or I hadn't worn in a year( chances were I wasn't going to wear them this year either).
And to my surprise.....

I had 38 dressed...

38 dresses and nothing to wear!

The solution:
I am working my way through every dress one by one. If I go to the closet and put the next dress in line on, and cant find a single way to make it work I put it in a hand me down pile. Anna has gotten some great dresses that honestly are probably more appropriate for her place in life then mine ( 25yrs old, married, with baby). I have gotten rid of a few dresses, but mostly I'm having a great time finding new ways to wear old clothes or wearing dresses for the first time that I bought and never wore. Whenever I go to my closet now, I know I have some options.I also have more room in my closet since I started this plan. My Safety dress still gets a lot of use though.. when I over sleep and need a fast fit, or when Reagan decides to veto an outfit.