Yesterday morning I found out I was expecting then evening came and I was holding a tiny little bundle of joy. Through the night we both learned to love and trust each other with everything we had and today she turned one. That's exactly how it feels. I can't remember where the time went. The sleepless nights are long but the days with my sweet angel are short short short.
January 5th very conveniently landed on a Saturday this year:) And in spite of Reagan being slightly under the weather we rallied the family for cake and ice cream.
She was very lady like about eating the cake. She would look at the cake ( very close up at some points) and then squeal and look at me to serve her some. She's so polite
In the end though she finally caves and took a bite about of the cake mommy made her and the cupcake Mimi made her.
Lil bit was very unsure about the whole gift opening, party hat wearing, song singing, candle blowing, much to do about her making.
The last year has been such a wild ride of experiences both good and bad. I love being a mom and understand why people say there is no higher calling. I don't know what in the world God saw in brad and I that he thought was worthy to raise one of his precious angels but I'm so glad he sent her to us. I'm finding more and more that without asking Him everyday to take the day as use me to protect, teach, and love Reagan it is a complete waste to even wake up.